8 GAY PEOple's ChronICLE SEPTEMBER 1, 1995


cleveland's favorite women's bar

Friday, September 8th

It's Country Night at the Nickel with Cleveland's Friendliest Country Line Dancing Club

The Rainbow Wranglers with the Cleveland City Country Dancers

Saturday, September 9th

Your Audience Awaits You! Karaoke with Singin' Sandy. Be the Star That You Arell


Friday & Saturday, September 15th & 16th

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Join us in celebrating our seventh

anniversary of serving you!

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With Celebrity Bartender Eliza

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Play starts at 7:30pm, double elimination, eight player maximum.

Hey Cowgirls! Y

Country Night Has Boot-Scooted to Thursdays! After you work up an appetite dancing try a Sloppy Jane! Lessons are Free & Start at 8:00pm with on-staff instructors!


4365 State Road Cleveland (216) 661-1314


Gay and lesbian volleyball league may move to CSU

by Doreen Cudnik

With the help of Cleveland State University's Gay and Lesbian Alliance, Cleveland's gay and lesbian volleyball league may be moving to campus. After playing many seasons at Cudell Recreation Center, the league hopes to begin play this September at Cleveland State University's Woodling Gym. "We want to grow this league, and having this great facility will make that happen," said league president Ken Leckler.

The facilities at Woodling will offer more volleyball courts and longer sessions, and therefore more opportunities for play. One of the league's goals this fall is to have a variety of divisions. This would include a women's division, a triples division for highly skilled players, and a traditional sixes division. Players can participate in more than one division.

League play will be from ten to 12 weeks long, with plans for a tournament at the end of the season. A schedule will soon be available with dates and times.

An organizational meeting has been scheduled for Monday, September 11 at 6:00 pm at CSU's Woodling Gym, at the eastern end of the campus (nearest I-90)-park off Chester,

or off Euclid by the Mather mansion. Individuals seeking to join or assemble a team, as well as teams that have already been formed, are encouraged to attend

"The league is a great opportunity to meet people," added Leckler. “We want to have a playing environment where players, whatever their skill level, will feel challenged and have a great time." For more information, call Ken Leckler at 216-226-2987.

Granville Baptist hosts concert

Gay activist, musician, and composer Barry Hensley will be presenting a concert on Sunday, September 10 at 7:00 pm at the First Baptist Church of Granville-the church that was recently 'disfellowshipped' from the Columbus Baptist Association for welcoming and affirming lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

The musical performance is a preview of his forthcoming album Out of the Closet,

Barry Hensley

Into the Light, which will include songs from a variety of musical styles-gospel, secular, pop and satire-written by Hensley. By means of a free-will offering the night of his performance, he hopes to raise enough money to start recording the album.

The action taken by the Columbus Baptist Association against the Granville church, of which he is a member, has encouraged Hensley to use his musical talents and ambitions to further the cause of gay rights in the Christian community. While attending a Christian college several years ago, he remembers hearing students make hateful comments about gay people. He wondered then how they could profess the love of God yet demonstrate such hatred.

"I have long ago learned the difference

between religion and spirituality, and can no longer be silent," Hensley said. “God loves me, even if some religious people think differently."

Hensley attended Capitol University and Oral Roberts University, studying jazz piano, music composition and performance. He currently owns a music studio in Granville where he teaches and works on his music. Granville is about 30 miles east of Columbus: take Ohio 37 north from I-70 exit 126; it becomes Granville's Main Street. The church is located on the southwest corner at the first light downtown.

Auction benefits Leather Archives

For those with a taste for something other than vanilla, erotic art will be raffled off at Columbus' Exile at midnight on Saturday, September 16. The event benefits the national Leather Archives. Artwork by the Hun, Janet Ryan, Don Bastion, and Leon will be featured. Until closing there will be several fund-raising tastetest booths for those interested in kink, and boot shining services. On hand will be Mr. and Ms. All-Ohio Leather, David Smith and Rusty Russell. Exile is located at 893 N. Fourth St., north of downtown Columbus.

This event will help purchase video equipment to help document the history of leatherfolk, including the Ohio scene. The archives, housed in Chicago, are available for the purpose of historical research. A traveling exhibition will be hosted later this year at Exile.

The September 16 benefit is held during the same weekend as the Centurion anniversary, which attracts many leathermen and women from within Ohio and around the country. Their celebration is hosted at Tradewinds, 117 E. Chestnut, from the 15th to the 17th and will also include fundraising for the archives.

Toledo P-FLAG reorganizes

The Toledo area chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays has asked Gays and Lesbians United for their help in reorganizing. Fresh from the collaborative effort, PFLAG will be holding a special revitalization meeting at 7:00 pm on September 12 at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 2272 Collingwood in Toledo.

The program will feature guest speaker Barbara Walker, editor of the Old West End Neighborhood, and a video clip from Families Try to Understand Homosexuality which features people sharing their feelings about having a gay man or lesbian in their family, and discussing their journey to acceptance.

The new, revitalized P-FLAG will meet on the second Tuesday of every month at St. Mark's. For more information call Pam or Di at 419-241-7614 or Bobbie or Harold at 419-691-2325.

Gays and Lesbians United's next meeting will feature a talk on anti-gay violence by Jeffrey Montgomery, director of Detroit's Triangle Foundation, which collects and reports information on violent anti-gay crime, and works with police and prosecutors. The September 13 meeting will be at at Tallulah's Community Center, 6725 West Central Ave. at McCord Rd. in southwest Toledo, at 7 pm.